Sunday 1 September 2013


Greetings Independence to 56 for all Malaysians .. Let us unite all Malaysians to maintain harmony and peace, consolidate the unity ..

Learn and understand history because through sejarahlah we would really appreciate our country .. appreciate the independence of our country ... Transform back the fighting spirit of our ancestors and predecessors .. Our jihad for religious people and country ..

Not just a celebration of the nation's independence but far more important!!! Appreciate the peace and prosperity that we have accomplished .. unite us with the spirit of independence through thoughtful thinking and first-class mind to a brighter future and distinction .. Do not mortgage the purely national pride munurut desire lust like pumpkin repair rat ...

Our country Malaysia .. We as Malaysians, we should feel proud of the progress, wealth, prosperity, harmony and cultural practices of its high perkerti that successfully unites all races thus maintaining the sovereignty of our beloved country Malaysia.

Happy Independence Day to 56. May Allah shower His blessings and prosperity to the country and the people of Malaysia forever ... AMIN!!!


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