Sunday 1 September 2013



The first three steps are calm; drink plenty of water. If health experts advise us to drink eight glasses of water a day, as far as possible Eat this figure.


Because water will certainly calm and cool. Satan was created from fire, then the fire siramlah in the water body. Do not forget to read Bismillahirrahmanirrahim each time to drink water

Moreover, if it can be performing ablution is better.

Beg Allah to anger burning fire inside becomes smaller and eventually erased. Let the emotion of anger is extinguished.
Emotional control anger: Wearing Perfume Every Time

Second, practice wear perfume every time. Wangikan body and the environment. Fragrance will bring back stability and angry emotions that foul smell, it may lead us irritable.

Without being under any fragrance indeed nothing - what, but if the fragrance can stimulate yourself to more calm and wise
Controlling Emotions Anger: Practice Techniques "Pause"

Ever heard of this technique? If not, I invite you to read THIS ARTICLE. Pause concept is a good way to manage anger. These concepts bring us closer to rational action.

Be patient when anger is the best way. But sometimes we forget to actually move to a patient that require fast we rationalize ourselves. Thus, the concept of "pause" can be used to help yourself become irrational when angry.


May Allah make us human are very quiet and peaceful during the remaining years. Increase acts of worship and lips wet with the remembrance of Allah that hearts become more gentle and calm.


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