Sunday, 1 September 2013


Subanallah ! Is this due to genetic mutation or injury during embryonic development stage ? ? ?

Two feet of sheep in China

A sheep with two legs since birth on a farm in Shandong province in eastern China , a newspaper said yesterday. The pet owner who is a sheep farmer Cui Jinxiu 38-year -old stated he normally would sacrifice young goats .

However , he did not have the heart to slaughter the sheep after seeing the animal determination to survive.

" It stands on two feet and started drinking his mother's milk . I can not let it die , "said Jinxiu . He and his sheep , weighing 4.98 kg at birth could not be separated with it.

" Despite having only two legs, it can adapt to the fast and stable stand . It follows me everywhere, "said Jinxiu laughing. Veterinarians told the defect may be due to a genetic problem or due to chemical contamination .

NEXT ...

Praise be to God ! Chicken eggs in an egg
What do geneticists ?

BUKIT RAYA - A diner trader in Kampung Bukit Raya In surprised to find an egg broken egg has another piece about the size of 50 cent coin when providing meals to customers last night.

Emerged as Rizal Ramli Abd , 29, said he bought a total of 30 grade E eggs at a grocery store there.

"I take the eggs and continue to break to prepare egg dishes to customers but was surprised after finding an egg again falls into the pan and I think it is a red egg freezing.

NEXT ...
LONDON - The skin is very loose and stretch so as to change the place of her abdomen into 1.4 liters of water reservoirs .
Gary Tunner , actually developing a type of Ehlers- Danlos syndrome ( EDS ), a rare genetic disorders that cause the skin cells and weak in other words, the skin does not stretch like normal people .
However , Tunner , 41 , did not weaken him because otherwise he 's syndrome transform illness into a career that attracted the attention of people around London , UK.
In most cases, patients will experience a disruption in the muscle joints and blood vessels .
This syndrome only occurs to one in 10,000 individuals worldwide.
Tunner are aware of the disease since the age of 10 years, said his skin was so thin and thinner than twice the thickness of normal human skin .


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