Thursday 29 August 2013


Sang Kancil and the elephant

Story began one evening the deer that wander dodgy in the wild. Are they wander the deer suddenly fell into a very deep abyss. It tried to get out again and again unfortunately not successful.

After all the efforts are in vain, the deer even think, "How am I going to get out of this very deep hole."

After much thought, but no ideas for the deer out of the last hole, but the deer still did not want to give up. In a deadlock for ideas, the deer have heard a great sound of footsteps.

"If the sound of footsteps like this, not this other, this must be an elephant!" Sang Kancil suddenly got a brilliant idea to save up to get out of the hole.

Then Sang elephant ago even then admonished the deer, "Eh the mouse, the center for what?" Ask the Elephant.

"Save yourself!" Answer Sang Kancil.

"From what?" Ask another elephant.

"In danger, try look up, the sky going to fall apart,'m black." Reply the deer.

This moron even elephants continue to believe the whole deer. "So it like where going to save ourselves?" Ask the elephant.

"Come once in this hole, even if the skies safe we ​​collapsed near here."

Without thinking the elephant even jumped into the pit to save himself. Then the deer took the opportunity to jump on the elephant and keep out of the deep hole.

"Haha, you face fit, safe to me." Then the deer passed away leaving the elephant that still confounded at the last hole.

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