Thursday 29 August 2013


   I got up as usual getting ready to go to school. When I was having my breakfast, my mother reminded me to bring an umbrella to school because it had been raining the past few days. However, I was to lazy to carry it to school.
   I reached school safely and lessons went on as usual. When the bell rang, i hastily packed my bag and headed for home. Just when I was walking halfway, it started raining heavily. I was drenched to the skin. The moment I reached home, my mother scolded me for mot listening to her.
   The next morning, I was down with fever, I couldn't go to school. My mother then brought me to the clinic. The doctor examined me and assured my mother that it was just the common cold. I heaved a sigh of relief and promised myself that I'll listen to good advice the next time. I've learnt my lesson well.


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